

Program Overview

Invite your whole staff, or organization, for an overview of Safe Passage and Safe Place, including all programs and services available for our region.

  • 30 Minutes

Preferred implementation: In Person or Virtual

Professional Training

Introduction to Domestic and Sexual Violence

Learning the basics, along with warning signs, what is at the root of power-based violence, and key resources to help victims and survivors.

  • 1 hour

Appropriate Audience: Community members, business owners, public service staff, churches, Foster Care Staff/parents etc.

Deeper Dive into Domestic and Sexual Violence

Go deeper into the overview of relationship violence by learning risk factors, awareness around lethality, and documenting power-based violence in records/reports.

  • 2 hours

Appropriate Audience: Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders, Adult/Family Service Providers, Mental Health Providers, etc.

Strangulation: Health Impacts and Law Overview

Strangulation has been identified as one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence and sexual assault. This session will review why it must be taken seriously, warning signs, and how to prevent devastating health concerns. Federal and Indiana laws are also reviewed along with enhancing victim safety.

  • 1.5 hours

Appropriate Audience: Health Clinics, First Responders, Pregnancy Centers, Adult/Family Service Providers, Mental Health Providers, etc.

Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Systems

Family systems can be complex and adding violence into the picture can lead to trauma with life-long effects. Learn about the root cause of violence, its effects on youth within the home, how to support the non-offending parent, and receive tips on documenting domestic violence within case notes and reports.

  • 2 hours

Appropriate Audience: Department of Children Services, Guardian Al Litems, youth advocates, and other similar agencies providing youth services.

Community Education

Everyone’s an Asset Builder

Learn how to help youth grow into healthy, responsible, and thriving adults! This workshop will introduce you to the developmental assets and how each school staff member can have a positive impact on the well-being of our children and youth. You will discover:

  • Details about the building blocks to healthy development of our young people.
  • How you can contribute to building these skills, experiences, and opportunities in the youth you encounter each day.
  • Ways to join with your community, local initiatives, or schools to create a thriving atmosphere for our young people.

Any school who cares about our youth’s well-being, their future, and our community’s success, would be a perfect participant!

  • Length: Options for 1 or 2 hours.

Preferred implementation: In Person and Virtual.

Power of Relationships

Learn how relationships can be powerful enough to put youth on a path to success! This workshop will introduce you to the power behind a “developmental relationship” and how each of us can create school environments where all youth can feel comfortable to be themselves and thrive. You will discover:

  • The five elements of a developmental relationship.
  • How you and your school can contribute to building these relationships.
  • Ways to start creating connections with the youth around you.

This training is great for any school to help staff members put into perspective the importance of their role as a supporter, educator, and caring individual for students.

  • Length: 1 hour.

Preferred implementation: In Person.

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